6 Simple Steps to Profitable Options Trading

If you find technical analysis confusing and complicated…

or have ever felt frustrated because some "magic" indicator missed the mark...

Or worse, have you seen one "magic" indicator suggest a bullish move while a different "magic" indicator predicted a bearish move on the same stock at the same time?

Which should you believe?

Which indicator is more accurate?

The sad truth is that lots of people have been sold a bill of goods about candlesticks, Fibonacci retracements and ratios, bollinger bands, you've heard it all.

That's not to say that some of them can be useful some of the time. But there is a simpler, more reliable way to find great trades.

You won't see this anywhere else because it just doesn't sound exciting enough. And I am sad to say that most people are looking for a "new" and "exciting" way to win in the markets.

Just look at the insanity around GME, AMC and WallStreetBets that happened in January.

Everyone is looking for the easy button. The new and interesting way to make money in the markets fast and easy.

The latest gimmick to leapfrog their way to riches.

Let me ask you a question, if all the trading gimmicks you hear about actually worked, why wouldn't the people offering them sell them to the Wall Street elite for hundreds of millions?

Why do they sell their information and tactics and indicators to the retail investor?

Is it out of some noble desire to help the little guy? Or is it because the Wall Street elite wouldn't buy that nonsense?

I think we both know what the truth is.

Professional traders know the truth about those gimmicks. While some of them work in some situations, none of them are a reliable foundation upon which to build your trading activity.

The good news is there is a way to find and execute profitable trades in this, or any, market.

I want to be clear, this is not a get rich quick program. What I am going to share with you today is simple, but it's not really easy.

It takes consistent, disciplined effort to win in the markets. Unfortunately there is no easy button…

Even though there are loads of people willing to sell you one.

Hi, my name is Christian Tharp. For 14 years I have worked with Adam Mesh Trading Group coaching retail investors just like you.

I didn't start here though. I met Adam because I was one of his early coaching clients.

I understand how difficult it can be to try and trade successfully, because I started just where you are now.

The more I learned about the markets the more I wanted to know, so I decided to become a Chartered Market Technician. That's the highest level of technical analysis training available anywhere in the world.

It took 14 years of study and testing. During that process I learned practically everything there is to know about technical analysis and understanding what makes a stock price move.

But you know what I didn't find?

A magic indicator.

As a matter of fact, I found just the opposite. There is no magic to the markets.

Being successful boils down to having a disciplined plan and executing on that plan consistently.

That might not be sexy, but there's enough people out there selling "sexy," I want to share the truth with you.

Just remember, there are no guarantees in this game. But if you apply what I am going to show you in this presentation I feel confident that you will increase your chances of success.

6 Simple Steps to Trading Success

If you follow these 6 steps you will more easily find great trades, know when to get into them, know when to exit them, and understand what to do when a trade goes against you.

These 6 steps work in conjunction with each other. This is not a cafeteria, where you pick and choose what you want.

All of these steps interlink, so you need to stay with me until the end so you can see how to apply each step properly.

I'll explain each step in detail and share how you can apply it in this market.

Once you understand all 6 steps you'll see how they tie together to help make you a better trader.

And we all need to be the best traders we can be in this market.

This Erratic Market is Full of Opportunity and Danger

Ever since the market crash and record recovery last year, the market has been increasingly erratic.

Driven more on technicals, news headlines, and market psychology and not on fundamentals - the market has offered traders like us tremendous trading opportunity.

At the same time, a news story can send a stock that looks good shooting lower or a stock that looks bad shooting higher.

And with more and more inexperienced traders getting into the market - the chances of euphoric run ups and fear selling is greater than it has been in years.

Again, think back to the GameStop, AMC, etc. Those stocks shot up on euphoria, and crashed when the euphoria ended.

The good news is that no matter what is happening in the market there are ways for us to make money. You just need to have, and follow, the right plan.

The 6 Steps to Successful Trading

So let's begin.

The first lesson is something every trader learns, but very few actually apply.

I made it the first step because without this, nothing else matters.

It is the foundation to your success.

This first step is critical to success in any area of life.

No matter what you want to do, if you don't have this base covered you won't be successful - or not nearly as successful as you should be.

The first step to becoming a successful trader is:


I know there's no magic in that. Nothing exciting or fun…

Nothing that is going to make your heart beat a little faster

But stay with me a minute.

Ask anyone who is at the top of their game what it takes to stay there.

I don't care if it's an athlete, a top student, or someone climbing the professional ladder.

Without discipline you'll let emotion take over. And there's nothing worse than an emotional trader.

You will hang on to positions too long, you will be tempted by bad trades, and you will jump out of trades you should stay in.

Every trader, before they even make a trade, should start from a foundation of discipline.

A set of rules they follow to the exclusion of anything else.

There is no successful trader anywhere who allows himself to just go with the flow.

The rules traders follow are not always the same. Different trading strategies and different levels of experience allow people to follow different rules.

But the commonality with all successful traders is a disciplined approach to his trading.

The good news is you don't have to be a robot to be a successful trader.

You just need to establish a few, hard and fast rules and follow them.

We will discuss what some of those rules should be a little later in the presentation, but for now accept that you need a disciplined approach.

Now, let's move on the Step 2:

Turn Off the TV!

Watching financial news to find trades and positions is the exact opposite of a disciplined approach.

Not one of those bobble heads on TV knows anymore about what the market is going to do that you do. Everybody has an opinion.

I will say this, a lot of them know a lot about the market. They understand economics, international trade, politics, etc.

But NONE of them can say what the market is going to do in the next week or month.

Your analysis is as good as theirs - or will be once you adopt these 6 steps.

Remember the underlying premise here at AMTG, no one cares more about your money than you do.

Here's what you must remember about the people on TV. They all have philosophical positions.

If they are gold people they think the economy could collapse at any moment.

If they are Bitcoin people then the gold people are right, only gold is a relic from a bygone era. Cryptocurrencies are the new gold.

If they are more conventional they think that the market is always fine but for a few healthy consolidations along the way stocks will keep going up.

The next thing you need to remember is, they have investments that they want to make money with. That means they "talk their book," or that they make statements and express opinions that will help their investments.

One famous example is Bill Ackman's impassioned (almost tearful) plea that "hell is coming' in early 2020.

Less than a week later his hedge fund profited $2.6 billion on his bets against the economy.

Was he "talking his book," or just giving an interview?

I don't know, but it certainly worked out for him, that's for sure.

Just remember, they all have biases and none of them really know where the market is going.

So turn off the TV and do the work to formulate your own opinions based on the way you trade.

This nest rule is going to make some of the people who watch this presentation mad.

Remember, it's not my job to tell you what you want to hear, it's my job to tell you the truth.

And the truth is…

You Don't Make Money on the Fundamentals of a Company, you Make Money on How the Stock Price Moves

I know this one is going to make some people bristle. But I will stick to my guns on this now and forever.

I know, Ben Graham, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger…

They all were proponents of value investing. And there's no question that they all did very well for themselves. However not one of them made any money on the fundamentals.

They all made money on how the stocks they bought moved. They just used the fundamentals as an indicator of where the stock would likely go in the future.

I know that might sound like I'm splitting hairs, but there is an important distinction there. Saying you make money on fundamentals is like saying you make money on candlesticks or Fibonacci retracements.

You don't.

Those are just indicators (and not great ones in my opinion) of where a stock might go. The number of well run companies with great underlying fundamentals that have gone bankrupt are legion.

Changes in market conditions, new innovations, macro-economic cycles…

They all influence a stock price in the long term.

So a great company that looks undervalued can go bankrupt.

At the same time, a company that doesn't look so good can make you rich.

Think about the run up in GME earlier this year.

Nothing about the underlying fundamentals changed, but some people made millions on the run up.

And what about Tesla. At the current stock value, current yield, EPS, and expect growth rate…

Benjamin Graham's formula suggests that Tesla is more than 200% overvalued.

However, there are a number of arguments that suggest that Tesla is fairly valued…

I have even heard some analysts say it's still undervalued.

What's the truth?

Unfortunately too many traders think we make money on "good companies." The truth is we make money on how the stock moves.

Good company, bad company…

That's all opinion. And traders don't make money on opinions.

We make money on facts.

Look at this chart for ANF. We'll get more into the support line in just a moment…

Right now just look at the chart.

Chart of ANF Stock Price with a green line labelled Money Line Support at $14

This was a trade that went against us. You can see that the chart bounced off the support line once, twice, then three times.

So when it hit that support line again we jumped into the trade.

Unfortunately, the price broke the support so we got out right away.

Here's my point. Did the fundamentals of the company change?


But the price action changed.

At the same time, look at this chart of RDUS.

Chart of RDUS Stock Price with green lines labelled Money Line Support at $35 and $40

When the stock broke through resistance at $50, the price shot up.

Did the fundamentals of the company change?

No, the price just broke resistance.

And those of us who got in at the right time took a nice ride.

A company's business model, the way they are managed, the balance sheet, the various fundamental metrics…

They all can be indicators of how the stock price might move in the long term, but the only way you make money is if the stock moves in the way you think it will.

Remember, we don't need to know all of those underlying metrics, because the market knows everything that is known about that stock.

That story you are reading in the WSJ or listening to on CNBC is old news by the time you see it. The big money knew it 10 seconds after it was public.

That means the market is more informed than you are.

That information shows up in the price action of a stock. That means...

The Way to the Money is to Follow the Money Lines

Money lines are my way of describing price support and resistance.

I've coached over 4000 people in the last 14 years. I can't count the number of times I have heard some version of the same statement about support and resistance.

"I used to follow support and resistance, until I realized that they don't work. Stocks break through resistance and fall below support lines all the time."

Well of course they do, otherwise all stocks would just run in a channel from left to right. It would be EASY to make money in the market.

The problem these traders have…

and the problem you have if you thought the same thing when I mentioned support and resistance…

is that they don't understand how to differentiate between important support/resistance levels and unimportant levels.

Not every level is the same.

Think in terms of finding important prices for a stock rather than finding support or resistance.

Does that mean a stock never breaks through an important level?

Obviously not. But it does mean once you can find these key levels you substantially increase your chances of making money.

In just a moment I am going to show you why you don't need to be right 100% of the time, or even 50% of the time, and you can still make a lot of money..

However once you understand how to spot key levels you won't have any trouble finding winning trades.

So look at this chart:

Chart of CF Stock Price

The first way to find key money lines is just by looking at prices that the stock bounces off multiple times.

Here we can see there is support at $22.

Why $22?

I don't know. I don't even know what CF does, who manages the company, or how well they do it.

What I do know is that the market has all of the information and the market is telling me that $22 is an important price. And I know that because CF has bounced on that price not once, or twice…

But 3 times.

So once I see the first 2 bounces, I can be pretty confident that trading this stock when it hits $22 the 3rd time will be a good trade.

In this case it was a good trade, as you can see from the chart.

We will discuss what we would have done if the stock broke through $22 in just a moment, but for now I just want you to see that $22 was a key level. Now let's see about finding key support…

In this chart we see that $35 is a key level of resistance. I raised the line a little bit so you can see the chart clearly.

Which stock is this?

Again, it doesn't matter. The market knows everything there is to know about this stock, and it is telling us that $35 is an important price.

You can see that 5 times this price fell when it hit $35.

So if we saw that price action 3 times, and on the 4th and 5th time bought puts, we could have made a couple of nice trades.

Of course the 6th time there would have been an issue. So what would we do?

Well, if a stock breaks through an important price, it doesn't mean the money lines were wrong. It just means the stock has had a break out either up or down. In this case it broke up.

So we could have easily purchased call options, or just bought the stock, and made a nice trade.

It's easy to find key prices when a stock has bounced off a money line 2, 3, 4 times or more…

But we can't fill a watch list with stocks that are just channeling perfectly.

Sure it's easy if a stock keeps bouncing at a price or hitting its head on a price.

But there aren't enough stocks behaving like that, so we need other ways of finding key levels.

Look at this chart:

Chart of SCSS Stock Price

This is a different kind of money line.

Not support or resistance, but support AND resistance in one line.

I like to call it "running through the middle."

Notice on this chart how the $20 level is VERY important. At the beginning of the chart, even before the money line, you can see that $20 was support,

Then it was resistance, then support 3 times, then resistance, then support again.

In other words, $20 is an extremely important price for this stock.

This is why we are looking for "key prices" rather than just support and resistance.

The fact is that support and resistance it's all over the place. You don't even need to look for them.

On the other hand, key prices can make you money!

In April, when the price pushed through $20, we couldn't say that $20 was a support line if we were just looking at support and resistance.

Maybe we would have been looking for $18 as a support level. However by looking for key prices, we would have recognized that $20 (not $18 or $19) was important.

Think of it this way, if you live in a 2 story house and go upstairs the ceiling becomes the floor.

And when you go downstairs the floor becomes the ceiling.

Same with prices when we are running through the middle.

That doesn't mean that all support becomes resistance and all resistance becomes support. I wish it were that simple.

The reality is more nuanced, which is why experience is so important.

It's more accurate to say that key price levels tend to become support when a stock breaks above it and resistance when a stock falls below it.

Now we are going to get into some advanced charting. We started with the basic way of finding key levels.

We just see prices that have been tested multiple times.

Then we looked at the intermediate way of finding key levels by running through the middle.

Now I am going to show you how to find key levels that the stock hasn't even tested yet.

Imagine looking at a chart and finding a key price the stock has never hit before…

Or hasn't hit in an extended period of time.

You would be light years ahead of other traders who don't understand how to find these money lines.

Look at this chart:

Chart of RDUS Stock Price with green lines labelled Money Line Support at $35 and $40

You can see the support lines, the resistance line and the running through the middle line.

This is a chart from a training call we did in The Profit Machine service I run here at AMTG.

This was one of the stocks on our watch list and on the call the stock broke below $40.

I suggested that we would likely see support at $35 and suggested the attendees watch for that level.

I had a lot of questions because we had only seen support at $35 once…

So how could it be a key level of support.

Once you understand how stocks move, you will understand that you don't have to test a price level at all to know it's a key level.

Sure, testing a level multiple times in the easiest way to know that a key level is a key level…

However it's not the only way.

In this chart we have resistance at $50 and support at $45…

Then the stock drops below $45 and we find support at $40 and resistance at $45…

So when the stock drops below $40, how hard was it to predict support at $35?

This stock moves in $5 increments. I didn't need the $35 support in January to know that $35 was a key price.

Many stocks move specific increments. Not necessarily $5. Some some in $2 increments, some in $10 or $20 increments.

The important thing is to identify if there are price increments a stock moves in and if so - what are they.

Once you have that down, you can predict key levels when the stock hasn't tested level a price level in a long time…

Or even if it has never tested that level before.

Money lines and key levels become extremely important and accurate indicators of where we can expect a stock to move. Nothing is 100%, however with a solid understanding of how to use money lines we can increase our chances of success exponentially.

So what are we going to do with the rest of the fancy indicators like candlesticks, Bollinger bands, and Fibonacci waves?

I suggest that you remember…

All the Fancy Indicators are Just Different Ways to Make the Same Plate of Food

I am going to say something a bit controversial right now, but I want you to stick with me.

The indicators that you have been marketed to and sold on using are, for the most part, just reflections of price action.

The problem is the indicators don't all agree on what action you should take.


Well because they interpret the information differently.

But the truth is, you don't need the information interpreted.

You just need to take a little time so you can understand how to read price action and find key levels.

Think of it this way, suppose you had an important book to read but it was in French.

Now, you are about 80% of the way to being able to easily read French, you just need a few vocabulary words and some practice.

You have all the grammar, sentence structure, etc.

But instead of just perfecting your French, you decide to read a version that was translated into English from a Russian translation of the original text.

In other words, the text you are reading started in French, then went to Russian, then to English.

Why would you read THAT English version rather than just perfecting your French.

Through each translation ideas are modified and concepts lost.

Just like when you are using all your fancy indicators. Really you are just monitoring price action.

You're just getting the information translated and interpreted for you. But some of the important parts of the story are lost or modified, depending on which fancy indicator you are looking at.

And if you are looking at 3 or 4 at once…

You're just setting yourself up for massive confusion!

Better to just take a short time and understand how to read the price action for yourself. Not only will you get better information…

It won't be skewed or modified based on someone else's preferences.

It's your trade and your money…

You deserve the best information.

So what do you do with the fancy indicators you have been wasting your time with?

Throw them out and dedicate yourself to a little bit of work to understand money lines and key levels.

I will share with you how I can help you with that in just a minute, but first I want to share the last and arguably most important step you need to find trading success…

Follow the Math!

The most important thing you can do when you are trading is, Follow The Math!

No emotion, no frustration, no hand wringing over what was supposed to happen or what you wanted to happen…

Just cold calculating math.

If you manage your risk/reward profile the right way, you don't even have to be that good at picking stocks.

For example, if you lose an average of $.50 a share when you lose on a trade, and gain an average of $5.00 a share when you win…

You can lose on 10 trades and win on one and break even.

If you lose on 8 trades and win on one, you're doing ok.

And if you only win 1 out of 5, you are going to end up as a "trading legend."

Not because you are an amazing stock picker, but because you are so good at managing your risk/reward profile…

Because you Follow the Math!

On the other hand, if you make an average of $.50 on a winning trade and lose an average of $5 on a losing trade…

It doesn't matter how great you are at picking stocks, you are going to end up losing money on your overall trading activity.

You just can't outrun the risk reward ratio. That's why it's important to have it working for you not against you!

The most basic way to manage your risk/reward profile is to follow exit signals that the money lines show you.

For example, look at ANF:

You can see that we had a key support level at $14. The stock bounced on that level 3 times.

However, if we had put a bullish trade on that 4th time, the trade would have gone against us.

As we discussed earlier, that happens. Stocks break out.

In this case ANF broke below a key support level at $14.

We have one of two choices when that happens. We can stay in the trade and hope the stock rebounds or we can exit the trade for a small loss.

In some cases, when there is a mathematical, logical case that a stock might rebound - we might stay in.

However most of the time we are better just taking a small loss.

As a matter of fact, if I had to give you a "rule" to follow every time I would say exit the trade if a stock breaks against you. .

Most of the time taking a small loss is the right thing to do.

Remember, making $5 on a win and losing $.50 on a loss means you will be a trading legend…

But making $.50 and losing $5 is a disaster no matter how good you are at picking stocks. You would have to pick 10 winners and only have 1 loser to just break even.

No one can pick 10 winners and only one loser for an extended period of time.

So managing your risk/reward ratio is the most crucial part of successful trading.

I know it's not sexy. Managing losses is kind of boring.

That's why so many people in this business focus on their win ratio. But frankly a win ratio is a "rookie metric."

It's sexy for some trading guru to talk about picking a winning trade 70%, 80%, or 90% of the time. However it is meaningless unless you know the actual return on the overall portfolio.

It's like the baseball player who hits a single or a double every time they get up top bat vs the guy who hits a home run or strikes out - like Babe Ruth.

We all remember the home run hitter - but the base hit batter is more important to the team.

Same is true in trading, and in almost all areas of life…

The ugly, boring tasks are the keys to success.

You won't likely hear that from many other financial publishers or coaches…

Because frankly it doesn't sell newsletter, coaching, or trading services very well.

I will tell you because my first concern is about making sure you are the best trader you can be. Yes, I am in business and want to get subscribers…

But it has been my experience - after working with AMTG and Adam Mesh for the last 14 years - that by focusing on bringing real value to the traders who read our content and watch our training videos…

We will find enough people who want help to grow as a trader or just want to take advantage of our research.

That's why I am giving you these 6 steps absolutely FREE!

Now let's do…

A Quick Review of the Six Steps

Then we will discuss how you can start to put them to use in your trading right away.

Step 1 - Discipline: Everyone who is successful at anything takes a disciplined approach to find success. The same is true with trading, if you don't take a disciplined approach and follow a plan, you will most likely fail. Remember, if you don't plan to succeed, you are planning to fail.

Step 2 - Turn off the TV: The people on TV don't know any better than you which way the market is going to move in the next day, week, or month. There are lots of knowledgeable people who appear on the financial news networks. That doesn't mean they can accurately predict the direction of the market. At best they are guessing, at worst they are talking their book to try and manipulate the market.

Step 3 - Remember you don't make money on fundamentals, you make money on how the stock moves: I know this one is hard to hear for some people, but fundamentals don't pay you money. Stock movement does.

And while the fundamentals of a business have been a good long term indicator in the past - technology, more liquid markets, and rapid innovation have made long term predictions more and more difficult. I remember when Amazon surpassed the market cap of GM. People said it was ridiculous, but they were wrong. According to Ben Graham's formula Tesla is overvalued by more than 200%. We shall see what happens in 20 years, but I'm not inclined to bet against Elon in the long term.

Step 4 - The way to the money is to follow the money lines: Key prices are the important thing to remember here. Not just support and resistance. Every chart is full of support and resistance. So much so that the terms tend to become meaningless to most traders. However, when you look for key price levels you can much more accurately predict price movements.

Step 5 - All the fancy indicators and just different ways to make the same plate of food: The fancy indicators that are commonly marketed and sold to retail investors all move based on price action. It doesn't make any sense to filter price action through an indicator when it just takes a little information and practice to understand price action yourself. You can get a more accurate and helpful understanding of a stock if you just look at the money lines and forget the rest of the "stuff" you may have been sold.

Step 6 - Follow the Math: Your risk/reward profile is the most important thing you need to manage when it comes to trading successfully. You can't make money if you are losing $5 on a bad trade and making $.50 in a good trade. On the other hand, if you are making $5 on a good trade and losing $.50 on a bad trade, you don't need to be that good at stock picking. You could almost pick stocks randomly and still be profitable. Just to be clear I don't recommend trading random stocks. I just say that to demonstrate the power of good risk/reward math.

How Can You Use This To Make More Money In The Market?

The most simple answer is to follow these 6 steps. They are not complicated, and with some practice you will find that your results improve.

We all wish that we could wave a magic wand and be expert traders in minutes. The truth is we all have a learning curve. And during that part of your trading education, you are bound to lose some money.

It's my sincere hope that you will also make more money and learn more quickly based on the information in this presentation.

The next important step is to forget what you want to happen, and forget what you wish would happen and forget what you expect to happen...

and respond to what is happening for real. The really amazing part about trading is the rapid and undeniable feedback.

No matter what is happening in the market, we can see if we are right or wrong in real time.

It can bruise an ego if we end up wrong, but it can also help make us better.

I truly hope that you will follow these 6 steps, because I know that they can have a positive impact on your results and on your financial well being.

Let's face it though, it can be tough and expensive building your experience. That is why we offer a service to help you integrate these 6 steps into your day to day trading.

We call the service The Profit Machine (TPM). TPM is built around simple money lines and risk reward management.

The Profit Machine

There's always a question as to whether the simple money lines can really deliver. If they work so well why are there all the "fancy indicators" being marketed?

The easiest answer is because people always think there's a secret . It's like weight loss programs.

Everyone knows how to lose weight. Absent of some medical condition, you just eat less and move more.

But people spend billions every year to find the "secret."

Same is true in the financial world.

The secret is that there is no secret. Successful traders just apply fundamentals and do the work.

And here's the proof:

Equity curve for The Profit Machine

This is the equity curve for TPM since we launched it in January of 2018.

Starting with just $5000 we have built the model portfolio to an incredible $60,000! That's 1200% in just 3 years.

While past performance is no indication of future performance, I think you will agree that those are life changing kinds of returns.

The really great part about TPM is that we don't just give you trades. You are invited to my weekly Marketcast call and weekly TPM training call designed to get your trading skills razor sharp.

This isn't just about making trading recommendations, a subscription to TPM is about helping you grow into the best trader you can be.

We find our best subscribers are the ones who don't need us. They could do this on their own – they just decide to use our research.

So our goal is to make ourselves unnecessary to your trading. That will ensure that you become one of our most loyal subscribers.

I know it sounds strange, but after 14 years I can tell you that's how it works.

When you join the TPM family you get:

Weekly Access to The Profit Machine Live: Every Tuesday you will be invited to a live 2 hour webinar to trade LIVE with us. This is kind of a transition from a lifestyle trader to a momentum trader, and you can see what it is like to make those kinds of trades. This webinar is the kind of thing to help you find more success in the market. It's simple, if you want to make more money, put more time in. You'll get more experience and real, practical knowledge.

Regular Portfolio Updates: Because we are trading options in TPM, many opportunities require quick action. The options markets move fast, and I want to make sure we keep up.

So everyday I review our existing trades and look for new opportunities for us to profit. When the time to exit a trade, or jump on a new one, I update the model portfolio for you.

Email and Text Alerts: Obviously you don't want to sit at your computer waiting with bated breathe for me to post an update to our member's site…

So we will send an email and (if you'd like) a text message whenever we have an update to the portfolio.

That means, wherever you are and whatever you are doing… you get a text or an email and you can hop on your smartphone, execute the trade as directed, and be back to your life in 3 minutes or less.

It has never been easier or more convenient for us to make money in the market without interfering with our lives.

Readily Available Customer Support Staff: Not only is the Adam Mesh Trading Group known for the BEST customer service in the financial newsletter business, but you'll also get my personal and private email address.

In short, our goal is to keep you as a subscriber forever. We do that by providing great research, giving you the best education in the business, AND by offering customer service that's second to none.

BONUS 1 - FREE access to The Adam Mesh Trading Group Options Academy: Whether you are an options beginner or an experienced options trader, the AMTG Options Academy has hundreds of hours of archived training video that cover every imaginable question you could have about options trading.

Plus, every Monday you'll be able to get on our training call live. We cover a topic about options investing then answer your questions live and in person.

When it comes to the financial newsletter business, an educated customer is the best customer….

So we want to make sure you are a knowledgeable and savvy options trader. Because if you are, you'll fully understand and be able to take advantage of the profit creating power of The Profit Machine..

BONUS 2 – FREE access to the Marketcast Calls Every Monday: Every Monday you can attend live, or watch the replay, of the AMTG Marketcast calls. Adam and I break down what we are seeing in the market for the next week.

We approach the market without emotion and give you the kind of deep analysis you might hear in a professional trading room. Many subscribers consider this one of our most valuable services, and it's yours FREE with your subscription to The Profit Machine.

On top of that, I'll do something unheard of...

You Get Everything for Just $19!

The normal price for The Profit Machine is just $1,995 per year …

...and given the track record and all of the training you get with it, the subscription is worth far more than that.

However we've decided that we want to make a subscription available to anyone, so we are opening up a few spots for the unbelievable trial subscription rate of…

Just $19

That is for the first 30 days. We clearly can't give new subscribers this level of service for just $19 on an ongoing basis. It just isn't sustainable, and frankly it would be unfair to the people who have already subscribed.

After the first month, if you want to stay you can continue getting access to TPM for just $147 a month, which still represents a substantial discount over the normal annual membership rate.

You'll get a good sense of the value of my recommendations and financial instruction at a subscription rate anyone can afford…

And it's even possible that you make enough profits in the first 30 days to pay for the entire year. No guarantees, but it certainly has happened before.

On top of this unheard of trial subscription rate, you have a full 60 days to cancel and get a full refund of every penny you have paid.

That means you get access to TPM for the lowest monthly rate we have ever offered, AND you get 60 days risk free!

We can offer such an aggressive refund policy because, frankly, people just don't want to cancel

Your monthly rate will never go up as long as you want to stay a member.

Less than $5 a day, which means you can skip the Starbucks and put that money into your trading literacy and financial future.

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Remember, this offer is completely risk FREE for 60 full days.

Just click the "Start Now!" button below and I'll see you on the inside.