ETF Sector Spotlight For 03/15/2022

Market Recap For March 15th, 2022

Market participants might have entered Tuesday expecting a lower market, but instead the back forth from last week continued.

Although yesterday ended on a clearly bullish note, the past week or so has proven that today has nothing to do with tomorrow.

Yesterday’s Sector Performance

Technology barely edged out Discretionary in yesterday’s rally.

Once again, Energy took the biggest, and only, hits.

Five-Day Sector Performance

Financials are still leading over the past week, followed by Discretionary.

As anticipated in Monday’s Spotlight, Energy is now at the bottom.

ETF Trade Watch

Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR (XLY)

Technology Select Sector SPDR (XLK)

As hard as it has been to trust, the market implied higher prices as of Tuesday’s close. Of course, the FOMC statement today could make things choppy.

Regardless, if the market does run higher, look for ETFs such as the XLK and XLY to most likely be leaders.

Good luck!

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